“…powerfully simple and clever, giving the children complete empowerment to create songs that sound very sophisticated. I no longer feel terrified about how to use GarageBand in a classroom setting.”
Primary music specialist, Sheffield
“All thriller, no filler!”
NAHT Conference Delegate
We offer comprehensive training programmes for individual teachers, whole schools, Music Education Hubs, school districts and arts organisations.
Our ‘Teaching Music with iPads’ training provides everything you need to deliver high-impact composition and performance projects using iPads, while our new ‘iPads for ALN/SEND’ course focuses on tool for anyone working with young people with additional needs.
Usually taking place over a whole day, our trainings are suitable for both specialist and non-specialist teachers teaching ages 7-16, as well as workshop leaders, peripatetic staff and ALN/SEND and Music Co-ordinators. We occasionally host our own regional trainings, but more often than not deliver on behalf of Music Hubs, School Districts and arts organisations.
We explore tasks that develop musicianship and music theory through structured composition and improvisation tasks. Activities are based on best practice when using tablet technology to teach music, with clear links to the UK/US National Curricula and a strong cross-curricular emphasis. Our courses are designed for both specialist and non-specialist musicians at KS 1 – 3, including those who have never touched an iPad before! All courses include a copy of the our complete teaching resource, ‘Teaching Music with Garageband for iPad’.
The Day Will Cover…
- A hands-on, beginners guide and overview to four key high-impact music-making apps, including Garageband.
- Creating music videos and film soundtracks.
- Improvisation.
- Creating and harmonising melodies.
- Creating an iPad Orchestra/Band in your school.
- Working with ALN/SEND and hard-to-engage students.
- Integrating iPads into the wider music life of the school, including choirs and peripatetic teaching.
- An equipment guide.
The day will be led by Transformance Music’s Lead Musician and author of Teaching Music with Garageband for iPad, Ben Sellers.
You Will Leave With…
- A wealth of effective, practical ideas that can be used immediately in the classroom.
- Confidence in your ability to deliver successful music technology projects.
- A full set of resources, including video tutorials, assessment materials and a copy of our ‘Teaching Music with Garageband for iPad‘, is provided for each participant.
- Access to ongoing email support.
“informative, well presented, and provided me with plentiful ideas to take to the classroom for projects large and small”
David Rose, Milton Keynes Music Hub
“I’ve come away from the day determined to raise my game. The potential that iPads have is enormous and I have just been paddling in the shallows! My first change is instead of using recorded tracks for my year 6 hip hop project we are going to make our own backing tracks to practise our rapping.”
Primary Music Matters Blog