In Tablet Glove

Hi Folks,

There’s exciting news in the pipeline here at Transformance Music. Our original design for a glove that assists tablet users with severely limited mobility in their hands is complete, and a free tutorial video that will show you how to make one yourself is on its way! The Tablet Glove is a simple and easy to use design that conducts the natural electricity from your body into a fixed point on the glove, giving the user the dexterity they need for basic touchscreen operation. While designed with the iPad in mind, the Tablet Glove will be compatible with a host of other tablets.  If you have any questions or want to know more please email

In the meantime, we will leave you with a video featuring our friend Rosie Vachat playing a duet with Transformance’s Travis Snyder on improvised piano and Thumb Jam violin. In this three and a half minute video you can witness how Rosie’s performance capabilities are transformed as she  uses her Tablet Glove for the very first time. So if you’ve got the time to spare, we urge you to watch the video to the end. It’s powerful stuff!



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